Are you missing out on learning the exact principles and methodologies behind building a 8-figure insurance business ethically?!
Forget the random “hacks”, the loopholes and the tactics. Discover the deep positioning strategies, the mindset and the principles that form the bedrock of a network that brings you sustainable, consistent and recurring growth.
It works...
Even if your not a natural "sales" person
Even if you don’t have the experience
Even if you don’t have a huge network
Move beyond cheap tactics and short term strategies
and focus on the underlying concepts and principles that will pave your way to financial freedom.
Only with the DAVIDSONS...
Everything you need: The principles behind sustainable and consistent growth, the exact frameworks we use and deep customer psychology insights.
Proven strategies: The exact knowledge, strategies that we use to help our clients FIRST.
Rapid results: Forget about the year’s long research process, we have compressed the entire process. Go from a newly minted agent to making your first deal in a month.
Personalised one on one training: Get hand-held through every step for your first 30 deals by the very best in the industry.
It's an open secret that you can earn a 7 to 8 figure annual salary in the insurance industry.
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years ...
You might have heard about the generous 8 figure packages that have been offered to agency leaders in the insurance industry.
This information was made available to the public only because these people were doing things the wrong way and were held accountable by the law.
What if YOU could do insurance the right way?
What if you could work only as much as what you wanted?
It's like running your own business without the strings attached.
No inventory to keep.
No assets to manage.
No salary to pay.
No OVERHEAD what so ever.
You get the freedom of working whenever you want and as much as you want.
Imagine waking up every morning without an alarm clock and without rushing off to work.
You schedule a few meetings with people you like and people who recognise your worth.
You spend your days pursuing your hobbies and helping the community that you are in to protect themselves and their families?
This is in essence what it means to be a Davidson's. You get the opportunity to learn how to create a self sustaining network which pays for what you love.
I can already hear you asking yourself...
"What's the catch?
Why isn't it as hotly contested as a job in the banking, medical or legal industry?
What's stopping us? Is it the lack of knowledge? The lack of contacts? The lack of skill?
"What's REALLY stopping us?
Well there are two main reasons why people find it difficult to join insurance:
1. I don't know what to do!
2. I'm afraid of being thought of as that fake, salesy and pushy person.
The first problem is easy to overcome...
Step 1: Get the BEST MENTOR in the Industry
Find someone who has been there, done that before and model them at every stage.
Step 2: Get SPECIFIC Information
Ask someone who is the best in their industry and learn the best frameworks, approaches and strategies.
Step 3: CONTINUAL Follow-up & Calibration
After you get the exact "how-to" steps. You have to get feedback to help ensure that you’re putting your knowledge to good use. Feedback and calibration at every stage of your development will help to ensure you reach the peak of your potential.
But, the second problem is much harder to overcome.
It deals with how people generally view insurance agents and it has long term consequences on your relationships and your career if not approached in the right way.
Let's talk about the elephant in the room...
There is a real issue with insurance agents being labeled as pushy and salesy.
We have been bamboozled and bedazzled and bludgeoned by so many insurance agents that we have unconsciously associated this profession with THAT GUY/GIRL.
How many of us have...
... been bamboozled and bedazzled and bludgeoned by so many insurance agents that we have unconsciously associated this profession with THAT GUY/GIRL?
... been stopped at roadshows, pushed and pressured into buying something from some random person and regretting it few months down the road?
... hung up on insurance agents who have called us over and over again?
... changed course in shopping malls just to avoid that booth with THAT GUY/GIRL that you had just caught a glimpse of from the corner of your eye?
We all want that flexibility in our lives. Living without burdensome assets, going in for work whenever we want. Going for long holidays without applying for leave.
BUT what we don't want to be known as that salesy fake guy or girl. We don't want to push any products to the people we care about. We don't want to fake our interest in others.
If only...
there was a way to approach insurance in a non salesy and authentic manner?
How do we build a network that will support us and constantly seek us for advice and services? How do we have genuine referrals that will want to utilise our expertise?
The key to insurance doesn't lie with random tactics and strategies such as
Client generation,
lead capture,
sales tactics,
sales acceleration,
smooth talking,
bla, bla, bla...
It's not a special technique, tool or strategy.
It requires a deeper look at the principles and values that matter to us.
Let's take a trip to the doctor's clinic...
We all need to visit a doctor in some point in our lives.
You have a problem and they give you the solution.
The solutions might be...
Something small like cough syrup and sometimes it's a little jab.
But very once in a while...
The solution escalates to something far more dangerous.
From surgery that might endanger your life,
To medication that might have serious side effects.
The stakes are now real, you’re not just trusting the doctor with your hard earned money but with your life.
What do you do now?
Well it's simple! You listen to the doctor.
Why do you do that?!
Why don't you argue, debate or fully analyse whatever the doctor has recommend? You don't do that because deep down inside you trust the doctor to do what is in your best interest.
Doing insurance right
is very much like being a doctor.
You need to be worthy of that trust, the very same trust that a patient extends to a doctor.
HOW can you go about
creating that level of trust?
There are a million possibly ways to create trust. Countless of strategies and tactics but honestly only two real principles behind it.
1. Trust is created when there is repeatable and verifiable results.
The most important thing is to show PROOF.
You need to show your client tangible and verifiable results.
This can involve testimonials, credentials or recommendations from credible sources.
If you're new, it goes without saying that there won't be any proof of your ability and results.
The fastest way to overcome this problem is by borrowing the authority of a mentor or to be under a reputable company that has a track record of integrity and results.
Having a partner and mentor can help tremendously in creating that feeling of safety for your clients as they know that they are in "experienced hands". We have regularly observed that our new agents tend to have a dramatically increased "closing rate" when a senior agent is co-managing a client.
You also have to remember to have a "briefcase" of your achievements, accomplishments and testimonials so that your reputation will grow with you.
We are all victims of time and our memory will fade.
Good evidence in your abilities is something that you can always rely on to be reminded of your successes and not only will it build trust in your clients but it will also build trust in your own abilities as well.
2. Trust is created when you have your clients best interests at heart.
Yes I know this sounds very wishy washy and non-tangible but let me elaborate further on this. Let me give you some examples of real demonstrable actions that you can do to show that you have the best intentions of your client.
It is clearly demonstrated when you offer advice that seeks to further the client's interests.
It is demonstrated with the tone of your voice.
It is demonstrated by warmth of your smile.
It is demonstrated by listening actively to their problems.
You see there are many ways to demonstrate that intent for your client but the most important take- away is that this is signalled sub-consciously. So what does that mean for us?
Well in order to reach your subconscious you need to listen to stories which will shift your mindset when you interact with people.
You need to be logically and emotionally convinced that there is a better way to interact and treat others. Achieving deep identity level change requires you to ask yourself what you believe you should do to others.
Immerse yourself in an environment and organization where people "walk the talk", with constant sub-communication of trust will build the same patterns of interaction in you. The keyword is consistent, you need a community where these rules of interaction have been fully integrated to really drill this down internally.
The Davidsons are a Top Performing District in the industry
having clinched the top spot companywide for 16 years.
If you like what we have said so far and our beliefs resonate with yours, we would like to offer you a chance to train and learn with us.
To apprentice under the Davidsons and join our family and to learn how to do things right in the insurance industry.
Since we were established in 1989, we have never offered a course like this. Previously recruits were only accepted through recommendations through friends and family.
However in the recent years we perceived a lack of ethically sound training and guidance which has led to the current perception of the industry.
We have finally decided to design a program that teaches the most effective principles, techniques and strategies that we have collected over the years into a clear and concise 3 month apprenticeship program. After this initiation phase, we will continue to hand hold you for your first 30 cases so that you can fully implement all that you have learned.
Please note that there will only be 5 slots available to ensure that we keep up the quality of our training program.
During these three months, you will be taught everything that you will need to know about the insurance industry.
Learn about the bedrock of our beliefs: The greatest stumbling block in insurance is viewing as a sales process. Learn the basic principles that will build trust and allow you to effortlessly plan for your clients.
No more confusion for yourself or your client: We have all experienced good and bad teachers, good teachers make you remember and allow you to teach others in turn. We believe in using interesting stories and analogies to teach our agents and to educate our clients.
No fear of the unknown: We have designed this training process to be as risk free as possible. Unlike other agencies where everyone is left to fend for themselves, we will personally hand hold you through your first 30 cases to ensure that you can learn from the best in real time.
Top in class coaching: Many districts will offload their training to the junior staff, here at the Davidsons, our Master District Leader and founder of our agency has a vested interest your progress and development. During the first 3 months you will have personalised one on one meetings where you get to pick his brain on any issue that might interest you.
What makes our agency so special is our focus is on making you feel like family. Unlike other agencies where the head of the district is usually off playing golf or some "meeting" we take a different approach here at the Davidsons.
You are given the same care a child would get from their parents. This is a safe place where we are invested in your development as a person. You will be given the knowledge, tools and support that you need to excel in this industry without any reservation.
As mentioned before, you will be hand held throughout the entire process by a senior who has achieved at least $100,000 of sales annually or who has qualified for the Million Dollar Round Table award. You will have direct access to the way they think, how they understand and formulate a case. You will watch first hand and then be guided through the entire sales process so that nothing is left out, nothing is left hidden behind the curtain. We do this because we want you to understand that you too can achieve a good life without being salesy, without resorting to high pressure sales tactics, without making yourself and and friends uncomfortable.
To emphasise the importance of signing up early, please note again that we are only opening up 5 positions to ensure the quality of the guidance and teaching each new consultant receives.
Contact us if you would like to find out more about how to join us.
For more information, visit our official corporate website. Click below!